
Blue Meanie – Mushrooms Microdosing Capsules – 20 pcs

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Blue Meanie microdose capsules are your ticket to a gentle, uplifting journey with one of the most powerful Psilocybe cubensis strains. Each of our premium Blue Meanie capsules is packed with 50 mg, 100 mg or 200 mg of finely ground Blue Meanie magic mushroom, ready to deliver a symphony of experiences:

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How to Microdose Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms

Microdosing allows individuals to experience potential benefits without the intense effects typically associated with a full recreational dose. When it comes to dosages, it's essential to proceed with caution, as there are no official guidelines better than your own mood and psilocybin perception. Here is what safe doses look like: Optimal microdose: 50-100 mg, taken 1-2 times daily for 2-4 days;Moderate dose: 100-200 mg, taken 1-2 times daily for 2-5 days We recommend not to exceed 250 mg dose since it can give you a more intense high that is unneeded in everyday life. Always strat low, with one 50 mg capsule, give it time 40-60 min and see how you feel. Even if it feels great – proceed with caution and stay within reasonable limits.

How to Take Blue Meanie Mushrooms Microdose

Blue Meanie microdose capsules are a new and convenient way to experience the benefits of magic mushrooms. To take them, simply swallow a capsule with a glass of water, just as you would any other supplement or medication. For optimal absorption of psilocybin, we recommend consuming on an empty stomach, though the choice is ultimately yours based on your preferences and desired outcomes. IMPORTANT: A crucial safety rule for all microdosers is to avoid mixing alcohol or medications (especially antidepressants) with psilocybin containing capsules, food and drinks. Doing so may lead to a less enjoyable experience or even result in serious side effects. To feel the maximum psilocybin benefits you need to be consistent and always stick to your capsule schedule. Blue Meanie capsules are a straightforward and adaptable option for incorporating magic mushrooms into your routine with no need to weigh a dose.  We also recommend not to heat the capsules to preserve the effectiveness of psilocybin. You should also try not to chew them, as they are specifically designed to mask earthy dried mushroom taste and to deliver the best of magic mushrooms Explore various tried-and-true protocols to find the one that best suits your individual needs:

The Fadiman Protocol

This protocol was developed by psychologist and father of “microdosing” as a concept James Fadiman. It involves taking a microdose of psilocybin every third day.
  • The dose is typically around 0,2-0,5 grams of dried mushrooms (1 capsule);
  • Take it in the mornings with breakfasts;
  • Repeat for 4 – 8 weeks, then take a break for 2-4 weeks.
It is also advisable to keep a journal to track your experiences.

The Stamets Stack

A famous mycologist Paul Stamets developed a protocol that involves taking a combination of psilocybin, lion's mane mushroom (non-psychoactive), and niacin (vitamin B3). The idea is that the lion's mane and niacin help to enhance the cognitive and neurological effects of psilocybin.
  • Take 1 microdose capsule along with Lion’s Mane (50 – 200 mg) and Niacin (100 – 200 mg) for 4 days;
  • 3 days off psilocybin, only Lion’s Mane or completely no substances;
  • Repeat the cycle maximum for a month.
It is advisable to take microdose capsules and Lion’s Mane in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast. Wait for 15-20 min and take niacin. This way you’ll get the best results.

Nightcap Protocol

Unlike previous protocols, Nightcap takes advantage of psilocybin’s ability to make people sleepy and relaxed.
  • 1 microdose capsule before sleep every second day;
  • The second option looks like modified Fadiman protocol - 1 pill, 2 days off;
  • Repeat the cycle for 4-8 weeks.
It is advisable to take a break for 2 to 4 weeks between protocols to avoid developing tolerance to micro doses of shrooms.

Microdosing Effects of Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms

Microdosing capsules, such as the Blue Meanie variety, have gained popularity for their potential benefits in various aspects of life. By taking small, controlled doses, users may experience a range of positive effects, including:
  • Increased focus, creativity, and productivity;
  • Mood lift and increased social activity;
  • Effectiveness and enhanced creativity;
  • Reduced anxiety.and stress on a daily basis;
  • See the world in completely new light;
  • Unlock something new about “ordinary” things in life.
Keep in mind that individual experiences with microdosing can vary. One thing for sure, with responsible use and adherence to safety guidelines, Blue Meanie microdosing capsules have the potential to make a meaningful impact on various aspects of daily life.

What is Blue Meanie Mushroom Microdosing?

Blue Meanie microdose capsules are your ticket to a gentle, uplifting journey with one of the most powerful Psilocybe cubensis strains. Each of our premium Blue Meanie capsules is packed with 50 mg, 100 mg or 200 mg of finely ground Blue Meanie magic mushroom, ready to deliver a symphony of experiences:
  • 50mg – beginner’s dose gives you barely noticeable, sub-perceptual effects;
  • 100 mg – moderate dose enhances cognitive function and focus more notably;
  • 200 mg – high dose for experienced microdosers, who want to get more results or follow a protocol that suggests less frequent administration.
With Blue Meanie microdose capsules it is convenient to experiment with the dose to find your “sweet spot”. Every capsule offers the same harmonious blend of effects, so you can count on a reliable, enjoyable experience every time you indulge in microdosing, just make sure not to exceed 250 mg to stay in the safe zone.


Gluten free and 100% vegetarian-friendly Blue Meanie microdose capsules have only dried and crushed BM strain in them. It is important to note that in capsules there is BM Psilocybe cubensis, while in the whole mushrooms section we sell a completely different option – Blue Meanies Panaeolus cyanescens.
  • P.cubensis Blue Meanies are very potent, luckily you can easily control their effects using microdose capsules;
  • BM are famous for their strong “bruising” (turn greenish blue while harvested);
  • Probably named after main antagonists in the Beatles psychedelic movie “Yellow Submarine”.
Blue Meanie microdose capsules are perfect for busy days when you feel stuck and exhausted. They are potent and easily will lift you up, giving you energy to finish your to-do list, feeling pleased and relaxed after it.

Customer Reviews

Based on 51 reviews

These will change your way of thinking.

I've been strongly against trying any drugs for my whole life. Two hours after having two of the 100mg ones I smoked weed for the first time and had one of the most memorable nights with my friends.

I couldn't tell if it was just placebo, but I felt happy, I felt less anxious, I thought lights looked cool, I felt locked in and hyper focused, and I had this strong feeling that everything was right.

Since I tried them I haven't had a single urge to drink, which is really crazy to me because I frequently have strong urges to drink that disrupt my day to day and really take a toll on my ability to enjoy simple things like a hockey game or movie. For the first time in months I had a couple drinks and didn't want to have any more. Usually I want to drink until I become a corpse on my couch.

I don't know why or how, but these could have amazing therapeutic potential and I highly recommend them.


FIVE STARS! If you are wanting to start out micro-dosing the Golden Teacher is perfect for you. I didn’t have any prior experience with micro-dosing or even mushrooms. I was a little nervous but I had heard positive experiences from my friends and decided to give it a go. I started with the 50mg and didn’t feel anything, I doubled it a few days later and still didn’t feel anything. I took another 50mg (150mg total) and didn’t really feel much. A few days later I took 4 50mg (200mg total) and FELT IT! It took about 50 minutes to an hour to kick in. It wasn’t overwhelming it was peaceful, I felt like I had more energy and wanted to do more activities. I felt very comfortable and it was honestly very enjoyable. I didn’t feel intoxicated or impaired. At the “peak” I felt like I had had a drink or two but without any of the clouded or fuzziness in my head. My head felt very clear and my thoughts were very clear too. I felt happy and the “happy feeling” lasted all day. I’ve added micro-dosing to my weekly/biweekly routine. SO GLAD I tried this, you should too!


I started with 1/2 capsule for about 3 days then the full 100 capsule for a couple days . Took 2 days off and back to the full capsule for 5 days and repeated that until the 20.capsules were gone.

I found that my stress and anxiety were lower within 20 minutes of taking this and after 10 days or so my creative thinking was increasing. I also.have diagnosed ptsd, as well as the diagnosed anxiety disorder.

This product does what it says it will do in the description. I'm here ordering my second bottle atm. Also it does not make me tired or drowsy.

Mark C. (Saskatoon, CA)

This is a good capsule. Works well

Graham (Winnipeg, CA)

First time ever using mushrooms. Doing the paul stamets protocol for 3 weeks so far. Much less anxiety and depression symptoms so far! I am a believer. Started at 100, then 200, So far I found 300mg to be the sweet spot for me.